Washington Occupational Information Service


Directions - Each student has been assigned a number that corresponds with a WOIS cluster group. If they have no number their career may involve more than one cluster group. If you have expertise or are currently employed in a cluster group please sign up as a panelist for a student who is presenting in that cluster group. You do not have to sign up as an expert or someone currently employed in that cluster group. The interview panel will have a mix of citizens. To meet the students needs for a job interview we are attempting to have at least one person on the panel who has some expertise to help guide the student through a job interview in that occupation. If you are not sure what cluster group you are presently employed in e-mail Mr. Patrick Mitchell at [email protected] and your occupation will be given a number based on the WOIS database that contains thousands of occupations.

  1. Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
  2. Arts, A/V Technology & Communication
  3. Architecture & Construction
  4. Business, Management & Administration
  5. Education & Training
  6. Finance
  7. Government & Public Administration
  8. Health Service
  9. Hospitality & Tourism
  10. Human Services
  11. Information Technology
  12. Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security
  13. Manufacturing
  14. Marketing, Sales & Service
  15. Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
  16. Transportation, Distribution, & Logistics